BMC Remedy v9 and BMC Helix
This section describes the integration into BMC Remedy by means of the BMC Remedy REST Web Services API which can be used to integrate BMC Remedy Version 9 and above deployed "On Premise" or as a Cloud solution (BMC Helix ITSM). For lower Remedy Versions, please refer to section 5.4, " Configuring Targets for BMC Remedy, version 7 and 8".
For an integration between MF OpsBridge/OMi and BMC Remedy 9 / BMC Helix ITSM, please use the template file ClipConfig_New_Remedy9.xml in directory [Clip]/apache-tomcat/webapps/Clip/conf and copy it to the file [Clip]/conf/ClipConfig.xml.
For integration into BMC Remedy, you need to adjust the basic settings of a BMC Remedy target in Clip ( "<bmcTarget/>").
The "create" and "update" sections in a Clip target for Remedy define how Clip should create and update a Remedy incident. The standard settings for the example targets do not have to be modified for an out-of-the-box integration, but of course can be customized according to your needs.
Supported Versions
Please assure that the system you intend to integrate meets the version requirements outlined in the table below.
Product | Supported Version |
BMC Remedy | 9.x ( or newer ) |
BMC Helix ITSM |
System Preparation
Clip Target Configuration
Connection Settings
On the Clip Server, edit the configuration file [CLIP]/conf/ClipConfig.xml The following mandatory and optional attributes exist for a BMC Remedy target:
- Attribute "name" (required)the name of the Remedy Target ( default: "BMC_ITSM" ) is used as a reference in the "integration" section where two targets are connected and activated.
- Attribute "url" (required)this attribute needs to be set to the BMC Remedy REST WebServices base URL. Do not enter the URL to access Remedy in a browser here ( URL for the mid tier ) !
- Attribute "user" (required) Clip connects to BMC Remedy with the account configured in the "user" attribute. Please specify a user that has permissions to connect, create and update entries in the forms configured ( default: HPD:IncidentInterface_Create and HPD:IncidentInterface ). We recommend to use a dedicated user for just the purpose of the Clip integration.
- Attribute "passwd" (required)
Specify the password to log on to the ARS Server. The password can be entered in clear text or as an encrypted value. To encrypt the password, use the password encryption in the "Configuration" tab of the Clip Web interface:
- Attribute "form" (optional)Specifies the BMC Remedy submission or staging form that Clip uses to create an incident. The default setting for this attribute is "HPD:IncidentInterface_Create"
- Attribute "formForReadAndUpdate" (optional)Specifies the BMC Remedy form that Clip uses to read and update an incident. The default setting for this attribute is "HPD:IncidentInterface"
Clip detects changes of an incident by periodically "polling" incidents created by Clip in regular intervals ( backsync ). The following settings are relevant for backsync:
- Attribute "incidentPolling" :set this attribute to "true" to enable incident polling
- Attribute "incidentPollingIntervalSecsChange" :set this attribute to adjust the polling interval in seconds
- Attribute "incidentPollingQualifier" :the qualifier to determine the Remedy Incidents which are queried, e.g.
('Submitter' = "clip" AND 'Status' != "Closed" )
- Attribute "fieldListReadBackAfterCreate" (optional)
This attribute specifies a list of BMC Remedy fields that Clip is supposed to read after incident creation and in each polling cycle. The default setting is:
"Incident Number,Impact,Urgency,Priority,Status,Assigned Group,Assignee,Description,Status_Reason,Resolution"
The first item in this list has a special meaning: BMC applications, like ITSM Incident Management determine the incident ID during workflow execution once an entry has been created in the submission form, the incident ID needs to be looked up by Clip after the creation of the entry. Therefore, the attribute "fieldListReadBackAfterCreate" contains a comma separated list and the first field in this list must contain the unique incident ID.
Create and update settings
In a BMC Remedy target definition (<bmcTarget/>), the sections "<create/>" and "<update/>" define how Clip should create and update a BMC Remedy incident, respectively.
The settings to create an incident are defined under the tag "<create/>", whereas the update settings are defined under the tag "<update/>". For both sections, the content has the same syntax: a list of Remedy fields to be used for ticket creation or modification.
A simple field definition just defines a default value:
Fields are referred to by its name, to see the names of the fields available in the forms configured, please review the logfile Clip.log that lists these fields once the target starts up. A field definition defines the name of the field to be filled or updated. The default value describes the value for the field. It can include Variables ( [variablename]), that refer to attributes of the corresponding OMi/NNMi event. Please refer to Exhibit B for a list of OMi event attributes that can be used or review the Clip Web UI and see the Incident Details for attributes available.
A conditionlist can be used to derive the value for the field based on OMi event attribute values to allow value mappings. If no condition of a condition list matches, the default value will be applied. If no condition of a condition list matches and there is no default value, the field will be ignored in a create / update:
In some cases it makes sense to set multiple fields if some condition matches. This can be achieved using fieldsets.
All fieldsets are defined within a <fieldsetlist> Tag. Every fieldset is identified by a unique name and has a <conditionlist> section. The first fieldset's conditionlist that is matched causes all configured fields of the fieldset to be evaluated during the ticket creation process.
An important rule is that only the first matched fieldset is evaluated. All subsequent fieldsets in the same fieldsetlist are ignored. Therefore, the order of the fieldsets within a fieldsetlist is important.
Here is an example for a fieldsetlist: it defines two fields ( Status and Status Reason ) that Clip needs to set for auto-resolving an incident once it receives the information from OMi that an event moves to the "resolved" state: