In certain scenarios it is not desired to create artifacts based on a certain filter criteria. CLIP allows to suppress creation by specifying a <suppress/> section in a target configuration.
Several <suppress/> ( and <attach/> ) elements can be placed between the <incidentDescription/> and the <createXXX/> elements in a target, they are evaluated in order of occurance.

Here is an example <suppress/> section which suppresses incident creation for all events of severity "normal" manual submitted by an Operations Bridge operator:

<!-- Suppression Example: suppress all normal events manually submitted  -->
<suppress description="Suppress all normal events manually submitted" returnFailure="false">
		<condition pattern="[severity]"  compareFunction="equals" compareValue="normal"/>
		<condition pattern="[control_transferred_to.ruleName]"  compareFunction="matches" compareValue=".*manual.*"/>

The ( optional ) attribute "returnFailure" can be used to adjust the response to the source system in case the artifact creation is suppressed - returning a failure to Operations Bridge allows the operator to resubmit the same event as opposed to responding like for an successful transfer.

For Operations Bridge as the source target, events transferred successfully to CLIP that are suppressed are shown as "FORWARDED" as "Transfer Status" in the events "forwarding tab" with a note in the "Lifecycle State" field which includes the rule name: