The installation of Clip requires the following steps. Each step is described in the following subsections:

  1. Review the hardware and software prerequisites and ensure that they have been met before installing Clip.
  2. As Clip uses network interfaces (Web services) to connect to the management systems, it can be installed on any system with an OS supported by Clip. AppLink suggests to install Clip on a dedicated ( virtual ) server.
  3. Install the Clip Software by using the platform specific installation utility:
    1. on UNIX and Linux, install the RPM package and run the installation script
    2. on Windows, just run the self-extracting executable.
  4. Clip requires a license to run - a trial license for Clip can be requested via email to
  5. If you plan an upgrade of Clip from a previous release, please refer to the Release Notes 


Execute the product image "ClipSetup.exe" and follow these steps:

Carefully read and accept the License Agreement and click "Next":

Select the directory where you want to install Clip and Click "Start".

Please wait while the product is installed and don't click "Stop":

Select "Run Installed Application" and click "OK":

A CMD Window is showing up and shows the result of the Windows Service registration and its start. Press "Enter" to close the window.


To deinstall Clip from a Windows system, please do these steps:

  1. Stop the Windows Service "Clip": run "net stop Clip" from a command prompt window or stop it in the Windows Services Tool.
  2. From within your installation Folder of Clip, run "ClipService remove" to remove the Windows Service that has been registered for Clip
  3. To uninstall the Clip Software, run "uninstall.exe" from within your installation Folder of Clip


To install Clip on a Linux system, run the command "rpm –i Clip.rpm" as user "root". After successful installation, Clip will be added to the automatic startup- and shutdown scripts of the system. The Clip application will be deployed and started.
The installation folder "[Clip]" on Red Hat Linux is: /opt/Clip .

By default, Clip runs under the root account - to change the account to a user account, run the command "/opt/Clip/ switchuser" as root, type the username for Clip, or ENTER to keep the current user.


To verify that Clip is installed on a Linux system, run the following command as user "root":

  1. rpm –qa | grep Clip
    The output displays the Clip RPM package and its version.
    To remove Clip from the system, please run these commands as user "root":
  2. service clip stop
  3. rpm –e Clip-6.01.05-5

Please note that some configuration and database files remain under the directory /opt/Clip and need to be removed manually if you want to remove Clip completely.