ReleaseNotes for the CLIP Integration Platform


The AppLink Software active Obsolescence section below lists all software products of which last-buy and end-of-support dates have been set and communicated to customers with an active support contract for such products.

AppLink SoftwareReleasedEnd of Support NotificationEnd of Support
Clip V7.03.00March 2024TBD.TBD.
Clip V7.02.00June 2023March 2024December 31, 2024
Clip V7.01.07May 2023March 2024December 31, 2024
Clip V7.01.05June 2022May 2023 June 30, 2024
Clip V7.01.04 December 2021 March 2022 March 31, 2023
Clip V7.01 June 2021 March 2022 March 31, 2023
Clip V7.00 May 2020 June 2021 March 31, 2022
Clip V6.01 and below December 2019 May 2020 December 31, 2020


Great Docs & Support CLIP V7.03.00, March 2024

March 2nd, 2024

Maintenance Updates:

Java Runtime Environment Update

In this release, the Adoptium Eclipse Temurin open source Java JDK version 11 is updated to version 11.0.22 Build 7 as of Jan 18, 2024

Tomcat Servlet Engine Update

In this release, the tomcat servlet engine version 9 is updated to version 9.00.86 as of Feb 19, 2024

Issues fixed:

Version 7.03.00
2023-04-14-SD_1004: ER: added [policyName] and [policyType] as Variables for artifact OBM event
2023-06-21-SD_1042: Bugfix: Cluster Sync Issue causes SQL Exception "Values of types "BOOLEAN" and "CHARACTER VARYING(4)" are not comparable"
2023-12-08-SD_1104: Bugfix: NPE in BMC Helix Module, if field has no field limits in schema
2024-01-10-SD_1121: Enhancement: BMC Module avoids ticket update, if no new fields values exist

Important Upgrade Notes:

For a new installation, just follow the installation instructions in the “User & Admin Guide“, the following notes do not apply in this case.

The following upgrade Notes apply if you upgrade CLIP from a previous version, as the current version V7.03.00 is also a maintenance update for the CLIP software – it contains a software update for the Tomcat servlet engine as well as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) used by Clip.

The main data and configuration files ( ClipConfig.xml and the H2 database files ) will remain and they are compatible with the current version, no manual tasks need to be performed in regard to the configuration of the existing integrations and the data already synchronized.

Certain configuration files of the previous Tomcat servlet engine as well as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installation will be migrated to the new JRE/Tomcat versions:

– the JRE truststore “cacerts”where java stores public certificates of root CA’s. Java uses cacerts to authenticate the servers.

– the JRE keystore “AppLink.jks”

– the Tomcat’s tomcat-users.xml, which is the default user database for authentication in Tomcat.

Please note that if any other modifications to files related to the JRE and Tomcat installation have been performed, these have to be applied manually to the new version.

Before upgrading, it is highly recommended to stop the Clip service and create a complete archive of the Clip installation directory.

Please follow this procedure for an upgrade to Clip V6.00.00 :

  • on Windows:
    • run the “ClipSetup” executable as a user with administrative rights, and when prompted for the installation folder, select the existing Clip installation folder ( it contains the Clip folders db, conf, jre…, apache… etc. ).
    • Once installed, the ClipService.bat will perform the upgrade.
    • In order to revert back to the previous Clip version please run the command “[CLIP_HOME]/ClipService.bat legacy” from windows command line with administrator rights; if you wish to switch back to current version V7.03.00 run “[CLIP_HOME]/ClipService.bat”
  • on Linux:
    • for the Clip RPM package, run the rpm installer with the “upgrade option” instead of the “install option” ( this would result in warnings about conflicting files of the previous version ):   rpm –Uvh Clip-7.03.00-1.x86_64.rpm
    • Once installed, the script will perform the upgrade.


Great Docs & Support CLIP V7.02.00, June 2023

June 9th, 2023

Maintenance Updates:

H2 database Update

This release includes the H2 database update introduced in V7.01.07, the H2 database is updated to H2 version 2.1 and the Clip database is migrated to the MV Store V2 format

Java Runtime Environment Update

In this release, the Adoptium Eclipse Temurin open source Java JDK version 11 is updated to version 11.0.19, Build 7

Tomcat Servlet Engine Update

In this release, the tomcat servlet engine version 9 is updated to version 9.00.75

Upgrade Instructions:

For a new installation, just follow the installation instructions in the “User & Admin Guide”, the following notes do not apply in this case.

When this version is started for the first time, it will automatically upgrade the H2 MV data store to version 2 by applying this procedure (files are located in directory [Clip]/db):

  1.  data is exported from the H2 V1 database file to the export file ClipDB_export.sql
  2. the exported data is patched and loaded from file ClipDB_export_patched.sql into the new H2 V2 data store
  3.   the files *.sql and (previous data store, renamed) can be deleted after some observation period

To install the update to Clip V7.02.00, please follow this procedure

  • Stop the Clip Service
  • Copy/Archive your Clip Installation to some Backup place for later Usage or Recovery
  • To start with empty logs, clear the files under the directory [Clip]\apache-tomcat\logs
  • Remove the entire directory
    1. [Clip]\apache-tomcat\webapps\Clip

    2. Do not just rename this directory, as then you would have two Clip applications running and port conflicts
  • Move the file [Clip]\apache-tomcat\webapps\Clip.war to [Clip]\Clip.preV7.02.00.war

  • Download the WAR file Clip_V7.02.00.war and put it into your directory [Clip]\apache-tomcat\webapps and rename it to Clip.war

  • Start the Clip Service and wait two minutes
  • Review the files under the [Clip]/db directory and [Clip]\apache-tomcat\logs\Clip.log for errors
  • Log in to the Clip Web interface to review the new version



Great Docs & Support CLIP V7.01.07, May 2023

May10th, 2023

Maintenance Updates:

H2 database Update

In this release, the H2 database is updated to H2 version 2.1 and the Clip database is migrated to the MV Store V2 format

Issues fixed:

Version 7.01.07

2023-04-14-SD_1004:  ER: added [policyName] and [policyType] as Variables for entity OBM event

Upgrade Instructions:

For a new installation, just follow the installation instructions in the “User & Admin Guide”, the following notes do not apply in this case.

Since Clip Version 6.01.00, a new licensing method is used that supports subscription, the former perpetual licenses provided do not work with V6.01 and above. A new license must be requested, please collect the following information and request the license via email to :

  • Clip Hostname as displayed in the Status window above. Please note that Clip licenses are case sensitive for the Clip Hostname.
  • IP Adresse(s) of the system that Clip is installed on.
  • Purchase Order ID
  • Number and type of licenses you are requesting ( types include permanent productive, permanent Dev/QA, permanent failover and temporary )

When this version is started for the first time, it will automatically upgrade the H2 MV data store to version 2 by applying this procedure (files are located in directory [Clip]/db):

  1.  data is exported from the H2 V1 database file to the export file ClipDB_export.sql
  2. the exported data is patched and loaded from file ClipDB_export_patched.sql into the new H2 V2 data store
  3.   the files *.sql and (previous data store, renamed) can be deleted after some observation period

To install the update to Clip V7.01.07, please follow this procedure

  • Stop the Clip Service
  • Copy/Archive your Clip Installation to some Backup place for later Usage or Recovery
  • To start with empty logs, clear the files under the directory [Clip]\apache-tomcat\logs
  • Remove the entire directory
    1. [Clip]\apache-tomcat\webapps\Clip

    2. Do not just rename this directory, as then you would have two Clip applications running and port conflicts
  • Move the file [Clip]\apache-tomcat\webapps\Clip.war to [Clip]\Clip.preV7.01.07.war

  • Download the WAR file Clip_V7.01.07.war and put it into your directory [Clip]\apache-tomcat\webapps and rename it to Clip.war

  • Start the Clip Service and wait two minutes
  • Review the files under the [Clip]/db directory and [Clip]\apache-tomcat\logs\Clip.log for errors
  • Log in to the Clip Web interface to review the new version



Great Docs & Support CLIP V7.01.05, June 2022

June 16th, 2022

Maintenance Updates:

Java Runtime Environment Update

In this release, the Adopt Open JDK version 11 is updated to version 11.0.15, Build 10

Tomcat Servlet Engine Update

In this release, the tomcat servlet engine version 9 is updated to version 9.00.64

Issues fixed:

Version 7.01.05
2022-03-18-SD_842:  enhancement: added function "dateTimeInMStoString" to convert date/time in epoch format (milliseconds since 1/1/1970, unix time format) to string
2022-03-18-SD_842: enhancement: added function "dateTimeStringToMS" to convert date/time from string to epoch format (milliseconds since 1/1/1970, unix time format)
2022-03-28-SD_841: log4j maintenance update to version 2.17.2
2022-04-12-SD_855: External Command: enhanced thread model with additional logging and configurable timeout (maxTimeToWaitForExtCmdInSecs)
2022-06-07-SD_875: OBM Integration: added support for event attributes [CiSourceCiHint] and [CiRelatedCiHint]



Great Docs & Support CLIP V7.01.04, December 2021

December 13th, 2021

New features:

BMC Remedy Integrations with BMC as Source

Added templates for BMC Remedy Integration sourcing incidents to create MF OBM events and bi-directionally sync.

Enhanced Web UI

It is now possible to re-try failed entity creations from within the Clip Web UI, manually remove entity associations.

Support for Expressions

Additional variables have been introduced that are evaluated during sync transactions to capture and use information.


Java Runtime Environment Update

In this release, the Adopt Open JDK version 11 is updated to version 11.0.11, Build 9

Tomcat Servlet Engine Update

In this release, the tomcat servlet engine version 9 is updated to version 9.00.48

Issues fixed:

Version 7.01.00
2020-05-06-AP-241: Improve logging by giving the Thread the event / incident ID
2020-05-07-RD-1: Evaluate STDERR-output of external command and write it to the Clip logs - not reading STDERR can block execution if buffer exceeds.
2020-07-07-PS-6: Additional User Certificate based Authentication
2020-07-01-AP-64: with the attach feature, the list of related events to the same ticket can grow indefinitely, even if they have
been closed already. A new property "maxClosedCntPerShard" for the <database/> tag limits the number of closed events to a given number
(default=50) to avoid performance issues on frequently re-occuring, attached events
2020-08-26-SD-601: ServiceNow Polling modified with query of better performance
2020-08-27-SD-607: enhancement: OMI receives failure when event is SUPPRESSed, so retransmission is possible
2020-08-27-SD-603: Upgrade to V7 causes DB Read-Only on Windows as Clip service is registered under different account
2020-09-03-SD-612: Jira Module does not poll all issue updates because limit=50 per Jira system
2020-09-07-SD-608: Module for QRadar Enhancement: retry reading events for an offense if query resulted in 0 events
2020-09-03-SD-612: Added ModRemedy for BMC Helix Integration by means of REST Web Services instead of Java API
2020-09-03-SD-613: Added DataEnrich Capability for ADCB in ModARS Module to allow sync of assignments by reading BMC Support Company/Org/Group/GroupID
2020-10-14-RD-21: Bugfix: Remedy auto trunc does not work in all cases because truncation is done on basis of bytes instead of characters
2020-09-03-SD-627: Enhancement: Clip V7: Jira Fields now default to "String" and they are not skipped if not in loaded schema (only when in "CREATE" screen)
2020-11-19-RD-24: QRadar: introduce parameter "readEventsRetryDelay" with default of 2 second delay between reading events
2020-11-19-RD-25: QRadar: fix bug for parameter "readEventsRetryDelay"
2021-01-25-SD-688: Update Windows Installer to include Tomcat 9.0.41 / JRE 11.0.10-9
2021-02-19-SD-698: compare function "find" allows to extract text according to regExp Syntax
2021-02-23-SD-696: RemedyForce module does convert dateTime Strings into date/time type Salesforce fields
2021-03-05-SD-700: Bugfix: OBM Queuing if attachment to non-existent ID "" is attempted
2021-03-29-SD-705: Bugfix: external command does not provide all attributes in certain scenarious, also "maxTimeToWaitForExtCmdInSecs" attribute added
2021-02-19-SD-698: Enhancement: compare function "find" allows to extract text according to regExp Syntax : check before run/config change
2021-04-15-EH-125: Enhancement: expressions
2021-06-10-SD-701: Bugfix: NullPointerException for attach from Remedy query ( sort order=null, wrong updateForm with homegrown create form)
2021-06-09-EH-103: Enhancement: added template for BMC Remedy Integration sourcing incidents to create MF OBM events and bi-directionally sync (ClipConfig_New_RemedyToMFOBM.xml)

Version 7.01.01
2021-08-01-SD-753: Bugfix: BMC Remedy ticket created with wrong values on concurrent ticket creation

Version 7.01.02
2021-09-01-SD-760: Bugfix: StackOverflowError thrown on complex regexp matcher
2021-09-24-SD-777: CR: NNMi event state which causes Clip event state "CLOSED" is configurable to allow updates of closed NNMi events
2021-10-08-SD-784: Enhancement: new boolean attribute "resolveVars" ( default="true" ) in condition

Version 7.01.03
2021-10-08-SD_788: Enhancement: boolean attribute resolveVars="false" in condition causes no var resolution in result value AND compareValue
2021-10-08-SD_788: Enhancement: added condition compare function "contains" ( evaluates to "true" when patternValue contains the compareValue )

Version 7.01.04
2021-12-12-SD_791: Cherwell Integration: added support for paging on mass data retrieval from business object's table



Great docs & support   CLIP V7.00, May 2020

May 29th, 2020

New features:

IBM QRadar Integration

The IBM QRadar integration has been enhanced to support synchronization of an offense’s associated events.

QRadar event data is available at the time when a new ServiceNow or BMC Remedy incident, or Jira issue is created, and also if the offense changes over time in regard to the associated events this can also cause an update of the ticket.


Java Runtime Environment Update

In this release, the Adopt Open JDK version 11 is used

Tomcat Servlet Engine Update

In this release, the tomcat servlet engine version 9 is used

Issues fixed:

2020-05-06-AP-241: Improve logging by giving the Thread the event / incident ID

2020-05-07-RD-1: Evaluate STDERR-output of external command and write it to the Clip logs - not reading STDERR can block execution if buffer exceeds.

2020-07-07-PS-6: Additional User Certificate based Authentication
2020-07-01-AP-64: with the attach feature, the list of related events to the same ticket can grow indefinitely, even if they have
been closed already. A new property "maxClosedCntPerShard" for the <database/> tag limits the number of closed events to a given number
(default=50) to avoid performance issues on frequently re-occuring, attached events



Great docs & support   CLIP V6.01.05, December 2019

December 3rd, 2019

New features:

Zabbix Integration

Zabbix is a mature and effortless enterprise-class open source monitoring solution for network monitoring and application monitoring of millions of metrics.

The Clip Integration Platform now offers an adapter for Zabbix that allows integrations into the supported ITSM and ITOM systems, such as ServiceNow, Jira, Cherwell, Remedy and MF OMi/OpsBridge.

Support for Subscription Licensing Model

In contrast to the perpetual license model, an annual subscription license will allow to use Clip for one year, and entitle to download all updates to the software and to receive technical support. After a year, the subscription license can be extended for another one year period.


H2 MV-Storage engine update

In this release, the H2 database software is upgraded, and the recommended storage type “MV-Storage” is used. Therefore, the Clip database is being migrated on update, please see “Upgrade Instructions”.

Implemented RfC’s:

2019-03-29-AP-197: Duplicate counter by Clip variable “RL_ATTACH_COUNT” available for events attached to an existing incident
2019-03-14-AP-201: new backlog monitor for OMi, monitors queue length and backlog time, four new gauges in dashboard, new OMi Queue stats zul page
2019-10-23-AP-218: ClosedStatusValueString can be a list of possible close status values

Issues fixed:

2019-03-14-AP-196: for ServiceNow, useSOAP=”false” is the default now: REST is default now. Clients having NO setting for useSOAP today must set attribute using useSOAP=”true” explicitly !
2019-03-27-AP-198: updates for OMi events that dont exist anymore result in 500 internal server error – they are now set to closed status in Clip to avoid further updates and staying in DB forever ( new attribute onOMiIntServErrSetClosedStatus=true )
2019-03-14-AP-199: RL_RID allows to resolve a given event ID to its associated incident ID. Given that the event attribute “CA_ID” contains a valid event ID, Clip resolves the expression RL_RID(CA_ID)] to the incident ID for this event.
2019-03-14-AP-201: status since time in status list was not updated correctly, is now corrected
2019-03-14-AP-202: temp IDs in master rows for pending tickets now flagged with “@123@” , and checked that they are not returned to OMi
2019-04-23-AP-199: External command has not been called for suppress and attach
2019-05-21-AP-200: Bugfix: Remedy Polling Option: use core field number 6 instead of field name for “Modified Date”, aligned Remedy Demo form for Remedy 9
2019-05-21-AP-201: Bugfix: ServiceNow SOAP Module for BMS: Fix URL to load u_hpbsm.wsdl on Linux ( file:/opt… instead of file://opt… )
2019-05-21-AP-200: Bugfix: Remedy Polling Option: use core field number 6 instead of field name for “Modified Date”, aligned Remedy Demo form for Remedy 9 ( HZD )
2019-05-21-AP-201: Bugfix: ServiceNow SOAP Module for BMS: Fix URL to load u_hpbsm.wsdl on Linux ( file:/opt… instead of file://opt… )
2019-07-09-AP-202: Bugfix: Cherwell: inc polling, wrong field names “Last Modified Date Time” and “Incident ID” because not display names but names must be used ! Fielmann PoC
2019-07-09-AP-203: Nullpointer Exceptions when Clip is restarting
2019-05-27-AP-207: DB Graph does not show correct DB size
2019-08-26-AP-209: Attach to source key pattern not working when event or incident is closed
2019-08-26-AP-208: Clip UI: if the ID column is enlarged, the complete ID is still not visible
2019-09-19-AP-211: Quotes in external command arguments have to be escaped
2019-09-25-AP-210: Clip creates src and target rows with the same target in RLDATA_MASTER
2019-09-25-AP-212: “null” is safed as key instead of null
2019-10-14-AP-214: Close Clip target status if Clip closes an OMi event
2019-10-24-AP-216: Scheduler logs error “Dont’t know how to handle Incidents of Status “ATTACHED””
2019-10-30-AP-215: Bugfix: Cannot lock Shard when two concurrent operations happen on the same shard, we now do configurable retries to wait for operation to finish
2019-10-30-AP-219: Bugfix: wrong incident state is logged when update operation fails




Great docs & support   CLIP V6.00.00, May 2019

May, 10th 2019

New features:

Clip Dashboard

The Clip Dashboard gives you an at-a-glance overview of the health of your integrations in graphical form. The data updates in real time so that you are always presented with the most recent information. It enables you to quickly assess the health of target connections and transactions, and to identify areas that require your attention.


Besides creating an incident for a single source event and bi-directionally keeping it in sync, Clip can correlate multiple events to an existing incident. Clip Version 6 offers different options  for correlation that drastically reduce the number of tickets.


New Variables

The new variable “RL_RID” allows to resolve a given event ID to its associated incident ID. Given that the event attribute “CA_ID” contains a valid event ID, Clip resolves the expression RL_RID(CA_ID)] to the incident ID for this event

Changed Features:

REST communication style is standard for ServiceNow targets

for ServiceNow targets, REST communication is the default since this release. Clients using previous CLip versions and having either no setting for “useSOAP” in their ServiceNow target or useSOAP=”true” must set attribute useSOAP=”true” explicitly. Please note that the SOAP communication style for ServiceNow will be discontinued in future versions of Clip and clients are encouraged to switch to REST.

To identify whether the old SOAP communication style is in use, please check the the “Integration Status” in Clip Web UI – for SOAP it reads


OMi Queue Monitoring : changed configuration

for OMi targets, Queue monitoring configuration in ClipConfig.xml has changed for the attribute “jmxHTTPurl”, since version 6, only the URL path for the JMX agent must be configured, e.g. jmxHTTPurl=”″

Attach : changed configuration

for attachments configured in versions before V6, the attribute createIfNotFound=”true|false” is obsolete and must be removed from <attach/> elements.

Issues fixed:

2018-10-02-AP-191: UI bug: click on attached event gives exception popup window

2018-11-30-AP-189: Using special characters in ClipConfig.xml causes application crash

2019-03-14-AP-193: Attribute “maxAttributeSizeChars” is not working

2019-03-14-AP-194: Pending mod not working in case of event update on submission (wrong side)

2019-03-14-AP-196: DB size should not be overwritten on a per daily basis



Great docs & support   CLIP Update to V5.08.03, October 2018

October, 4th 2018

New features:

RemedyForce / Salesforce Target: Polling for new incidents

The RemedyForce target can now be used as a “source target”: New incidents can be polled by CLIP according to a filter and create events or incidents in peer targets which are then synchronized bi-directionally. Please review the documentation in section “3.8.2 Configuring Salesforce / RemedyForce Targets in CLIP” for further details.

OMi/OpsBridge as a Destination Target:

Targets of type OMi/OpsBridge can be used as destination targets to create events in response to events, incidents or QRadar offenses detected by CLIP on a peer side.


RemedyForce / Salesforce Target: Extended Logging

The logging for targets of type RemedyForce / Salesforce has been enhanced to log all Webservice calls to ease troubleshooting.

Issues fixed:

2018-10-02-AP-187: Bugfix: Infinte OMi resending of event change: If OMi sends event closure and this leads to pending modification on peer side, then each time OMi resends CLIP will reject processing because transaction is closed, but asks for resend

Great docs & support  CLIP V5.08, August 2018

August 3rd,  2018

We’re pleased to present CLIP V5.08 !

New features:

New Integration Module for IBM QRadar

AppLink’s CLIP solution for IBM QRadar is a new integration that was added to CLIP version 5.08 which provides very similar capabilities as the other integrations.

Important Upgrade Notes:

The following upgrade Notes apply if you upgrade CLIP from versions before CLIP version V5.06.00 – for these older versions, the current version V5.08.00 is also a maintenance update for the CLIP software – it contains a software update for the Tomcat servlet engine as well as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) used by Clip.

For upgrades from version V5.06 / V5.07 these Notes do not apply – an upgrade is performed by just applying the Clip application ( WAR file ) to the existing installation as described in the “User & Admin Guide”: “Installing CLIP Patches and Updates”. 

For a new installation, just follow the installation instructions in the “User & Admin Guide”.

If a previous version older than V5.06.00 of Clip already exists, there is an update path which updates the existing Clip installation to the current version.

The main data and configuration files ( ClipConfig.xml and the H2 database files ) will remain and they are compatible with the current version, no manual tasks need to be performed in regard to the configuration of the existing integrations and the data already synchronized.

Certain configuration files of the previous Tomcat servlet engine as well as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installation will be migrated to the new JRE/Tomcat versions:

– the JRE truststore “cacerts”where java stores public certificates of root CA’s. Java uses cacerts to authenticate the servers.

– the JRE keystore “AppLink.jks”

– the Tomcat’s tomcat-users.xml, which is the default user database for authentication in Tomcat.

Please note that if any other modifications to files related to the JRE and Tomcat installation have been performed, these have to be applied manually to the new versions.

Before upgrading, it is highly recommended to stop the Clip service and create a complete archive of the Clip installation directory.

Please follow this procedure for an upgrade to Clip V5.08.00 from versions before V5.06:

  • on Windows:
    • run the “ClipSetup” executable as a user with administrative rights, and when prompted for the installation folder, select the existing Clip installation folder ( it contains the Clip folders db, conf, jre…, apache… etc. ).
    • Once installed, the ClipService.bat will perform the upgrade.
    • In order to revert back to the previous Clip version please run the command “[CLIP_HOME]/ClipService.bat legacy” from windows command line with administrator rights; if you which to switch back to current version V5.08.00 run “[CLIP_HOME]/ClipService.bat”
  • on Linux:
    • for the Clip RPM package, run the rpm installer with the “upgrade option” instead of the “install option” ( this would result in warnings about conflicting files of the previous version ):   rpm –Uvh Clip-5.08.00-5.x86_64.rpm
    • Once installed, the script will perform the upgrade.

Great docs & support  CLIP V5.07, February 2018

February 7th,  2018

We’re pleased to present CLIP V5.07 !

New features:

New Integration Module for Jira

AppLink’s CLIP solution for Jira Service Desk is a new integration that was added to CLIP version 5.07 which provides very similar capabilities as the other integrations.


Great docs & support   CLIP V5.06, September 2017

14 September 2017

We’re pleased to present CLIP V5.06 !

New features:

New Integration Module for Cherwell

AppLink’s CLIP solution for Cherwell Service Desk ( CSD ) is a new integration that was added to CLIP version 5.06 which provides very similar capabilities as the other integrations. For details please visit “Operation Model for CLIP for Cherwell Service Desk”.

Updated Version Support

– Added Support for CLIP on Windows Server 2016

– Added Support for Micro Focus (HPE) OMi/OpsBridge 10.61

– Added Support for ServiceNow release family “Jakarta”

Great docs & support   CLIP V5.05, May 2017

16 May 2017

We’re pleased to present CLIP V5.05 !

New features:

Suppression of incident creation

automation to create incidents can have some drawbacks. A common issue is that too many, unimportant, or redundant , duplicate incidents overload the Service Desk personal. CLIP offers two features to address that. Suppression and Attachment.

Suppression prevents that CLIP creates an incident. Suppression is based on checking event attributes and specifying a conditionlist in CLIP that causes suppression whenever the conditionlist matches. Use cases for suppression include

  • Suppression of normal events or events of severity “unknown”
  • Suppresion for events with a related CI in scheduled downtime, if it is flagged by some attribute

For detailed information, please refer to chaper “3. Configuring CLIP” and “3.1.2 Suppressing incident creation” in the User & Admin guide.


Attachment to incidents

instead of creating a new incident , CLIP can update an existing incident for the same topic. Use cases for this feature include

  • the same event re-appears , but the previous, now closed event still has a related, open  incident. As an example, a CPU monitor that periodically raises and closes an event should not create multiple incidents.
  •           events of the same topic, e.g. all disk or filesystem usage alarms should be collected and added to the same incident, as the same assignee should be in charge of resolving these problems

With Clip V5.05, multiple events can be related to the same incident. While the first event creates an incident as before, the second event is attached to the existing incident and can e.g. add an additional worknote. CLIP keeps all events related to a single incident in sync.

For detailed information, please refer to chaper “3. Configuring CLIP” and “3.1.3 Attaching events to existing incidents” in the User & Admin guide.


Integration into ServiceNow Event Management

ServiceNow Event management allows IT operation administrators to combine multiple event sources from different monitoring tools into a single management console. With CLIP V5.05, HPE OpsBridge/OMi and NNMi can be added as an event source for ServiceNow Event Management. Analog to the ServiceNow Incident Management integration, CLIP offers a direct- and a “scoped app” integration option for ServiceNow Event Management, and also the polling option for backsync.

For more information, please refer to the example integrations “HPOMi_ServiceNowEvent” and “HPOMi_ServiceNowEventDirect” in ClipConfig_New.xml.

Persistent Queuing of transactions

Unlike HPE OpsBridge/OMi, which does resends of events and event changes and thereby assures that those transactions to create and update incidents on the peer side are not lost, updates received from ServiceNow, BMC Remedy and RemedyForce might get lost in case of OpsBridge or NNMi unavailability. CLIP V5.05 further enhances reliability of the integration by introducing a concept that persists all transactions and assures they are executed exactly once and in order.



Bulk mode for Polling option for ServiceNow

Using the “polling option”, CLIP polls all active incidents for changes at regular intervals. With V5.05, a bulk of incidents can be queried at the same time which speeds up the backsync process.

For detailed information, please refer to chaper “Configuring ServiceNow Targets – without “Update Set” / “Scoped App”” in the User & Admin guide.

Extended CLIP Variables

CLIP V5.04 introduced extended access to attributes of related events and incidents in the rules to update events and incidents.

With CLIP V5.05 it is possible to refer to all history values of an attribute. This allows not only to access the current value or the value of the current transaction, but also initial or all subsequent history values. The benefit of this feature is that logic can be built into CLIP that otherwise has to be implemented in OpsBridge, ServiceNow or Remedy.

An example use cases: auto resolution of incidents: resolve an incident on event closure – but only if the initial assignment group for the incident is unchanged – this requires access to the initial assignment group and can be implemented solely in CLIP

For detailed information, please refer to chaper “9.3 CLIP variables and modifiers” in the User & Admin guide and examples in ClipConfig_New.

Changed features:

2017-05-15-AP-239: restrict attribute length to maxAttributeSizeCharsDB=4096 and maxAttributeSizeChars=0 (unrestricted) characters to avoid “out-of-memory” errors when loading shard from DB


Issues fixed:

2017-01-18-AP-275: Bugfix: when using CLIP in Cluster mode, pending incidents did not change state to “CREATED”, Symptom: de.applink.clip.db.shard.UpdateShardOperation: Failed saving shard with id ‘HP_OMi2SN:9c598178-e9e8-71e6-041a-c39e81330000’ to node ‘CLIP@clipprd:9092′;: java.lang.NullPointerException

2017-01-18-AP-246: Enhancement: for source targets not resending ( NNMi ), CLIP creates pending incidents in the destination target when becoming available again

2017-01-18-AP-245: Bugfix: CLIP variable resolution in “conditionlist” for variables with modifier “:DB” and “:UPD”

2016-08-17-AP-361: Fix for OMi target failing to ping OMi instance, Status Error: “HTTP 404, Not Found” for targets of version OMi 10.11 ( or higher )


Great docs & supportCLIP 5.04 released, May 2016

The changes in this new version of CLIP include:


New features:

High Availability (HA) and Scalability for CLIP

CLIP V5.04 extends previous HA capabilities by adding a new, clustered deployment model that allows for

  • High Availability : HA is achieved by replicating CLIP instances and run it in a HA cluster
  • Automatic failover: failover does not require any manual intervention
  • Automatic recovery: should a failed CLIP instance come up again, it is available instantly and automatically performs a recovery procedure
  • Scalability: all requests can be distributed amoung the CLIP instances of the cluster, the cluster can run in Active/Active or Active/Passive mode

For detailed information, please refer to chaper “High Availability and Scalability for CLIP” in the User & Admin guide.

CLIP for HP BSM for ServiceNow: New option for direct integration, no ServiceNow “Update Set”

In former versions, CLIP for HP BSM required the upload of a ServiceNow “Update Set” or the installation of AppLink’s “Scoped App” for CLIP from the ServiceNow AppStore. These contain the Web Service endpoint, transform map, business rules, scripts, menus etc. used by CLIP to create incidents and trigger incident updates to be reported back to HP BSM.

Even though the use of the “Update Set” / “Scoped App” is still the recommended option for the integration, CLIP V5.04 now offers a “direct” integration into ServiceNow without use of an “Update Set” or “Scoped App”– incidents can be created directly in the ServiceNow Incidents table. Using this mode, CLIP actively polls for changes of incidents to update the OMi events accordingly.

This option can be used if

  • company policies refuse to apply additional configurations to your ServiceNow instance for the integration into HP BSM 
  • a more simple approach is favored – no maintenance is necessary on ServiceNow release changes

For detailed information, please refer to chaper “Configuring ServiceNow Targets” in the User & Admin guide.


CLIP for HP BSM for Salesforce: New integration to RemedyForce and the platform

CLIP V5.04 includes an integration module to integrate with the platform.  Utilizing the new CLIP module for, CLIP provides an out-of-the-box standard integrations into BMC RemedyForce.

For detailed information, please refer to chaper “Configuring CLIP Targets of type SalesForce / RemedyForce” in the User & Admin guide.


Extended CLIP Variable Scopes

CLIP supports extended access to attributes of related events and incidents in the rules to update events and incidents. Example use cases for this feature include:

  • on incident creation, CLIP can auto assign the event to OMi operators and groups dependant of the submission type and only after initial submission by evaluating event and incident attributes
  • update the incident state dependant dependant of event state and other event attributes and the current incident state by lookup of the current incident state, e.g. an incident can be closed if the event is closed but only if the current incident state is “New” so it was not yet assigned

For detailed information, please refer to chaper “Architecture: CLIP variables and modifiers” in the User & Admin guide.


CLIP for HP BSM OMi: CLIP can do various kind of OMi event manipulations to show data of an related incident in the “forwarding tab”, custom attributes, annotations, change state, severity and priority etc. The current CLIP version also allows to auto assign an event to an OMi user and group using the attributes “assigned_user” and “assigned_group” in ClipConfig.xml.


Changed features:

BMC Remedy Integration: For an integration into BMC Remedy ITSM Incident Management:  the creation of an incident is considered as “Failed”, if the “Incident creation request entry is created, but no incident can be read back from the incidents table.

CLIP for HP BSM OMi: the OMi attribute “originalData” can be further accessed in create- and update-operations, but is excluded from storage in the CLIP database, as it can contain huge amount of data.

Issues fixed:

2015-12-10-AP-113: Possible error in deleting old log files: CLIP’s maintenance procedure failed to delete old logfiles in some scenarios, this has been fixed in this release.

2016-03-10-AP-123: ServiceNow integration: CLIP shows something like “ServiceNow:http-bio-9090-exec-6:1457598293065” in the forwarding TAB of an OMi event. Cause: SNowRS SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out. If the incident creation runs in a timeout but the incident is created, and CLIP receives an update for the incident created, CLIP can map the incident to the correct event in this release and perform synchronization.

2016-04-14-AP-134: ServiceNow integration: If a proxy is configured for the ServiceNow network connection, the proxy can be bypassed for other connections by adding a new attribute “proxyHostsExcluded” to the ServiceNow target.

2016-03-04-AP-108: CLIP requests re-sends of OMi event updates in certain error scenarious like target unavailability that were not handled correctly previously

Great docs & supportCLIP 5.03 released, October 2015

The changes in this new version of CLIP include:

BMC Remedy Support

CLIP 5.03 supports BMC Remedy version 9.

HP BSM OMi Queue Monitoring

CLIP 5.03 introduces a OMi queue monitoring feature that periodically checks for the number of events and event changes in OMi queues waiting to be submitted to CLIP. Thresholds can be defined to alert queueing situations in Clip.log, and a new statistic chart in the Clip Web UI shows the queue status over time.

Enhanced TBEC support

With the OMi “TBEC” option  ( Topology Based Event Correlation ), events can be related as cause / symptom events.  CLIP 5.03 supports new event variables that can be used to display the titles of cause / symptom events in an incident ( please see appendix C in the user and admin guide ). Also the incident numbers for cause / symptom events if they have been forwarded to BMC Remedy / ServiceNow can be displayed in an incident with additional variables, which can then be used to correlate related incidents.

ServiceNow “Fuji” extended Support

CLIP 5.03 supports the ServiceNow “Fuji” release with a new, certified ServiceNow “Update Set” based on a ServiceNow “scoped app” and REST based CLIP module for ServiceNow.


CLIP 5.03 has been certified by ServiceNow in September 2015.

CLIP 5.03 has been certified by Hewlett Packard in June 2015.

Extended CLIP users and roles

New CLIP users and roles besides the “admin” user with all privileges have been added specific for use by OMi to submit events, by ServiceNow / BMC Remedy to report incident changes or to access the CLIP Web UI.

CLIP logging changes

logfiles other than Clip.log and Clip_DEBUG.log in the apache tomcat’s “logs” directory are removed, if older than 14 days

Great docs & support

CLIP 5.02 released, February 2015

The changes in this new version of CLIP include:

Platform Support

with CLIP 5.02, the following are newly supported:

  • HP OMi 10
  • CLIP Server Platform: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

External Values

CLIP 5.02 introduces support for retrieval of external data generated by scripts or executables. Based on parameters that CLIP can pass to this script, CLIP can retrieve additional information that can be used e.g. for incident assignment or prioritization.

Tools for migration of HP Remedy SPI

Customers using HP OM in combination with the HP Remedy SPI today can use this new tool to migrate major portions of their existing configuration including rulesets to CLIP format.

CLIP Web UI Changes

The CLIP Web UI has been extended by a tab displaying graphical statistics about the number of incidents created over time and CLIP database size.

CLIP logfile changes

CLIP 5.02 uses different logfiles for normal and debug messages.